4+1 Degree – BS in 计算机科学 and MS in 网络安全

From Computing Knowledge to 网络安全 Expertise


Take advantage of Western New York’s only 4+1 degree program in computer science and cybersecurity. Through our accelerated track, you can earn both a Bachelor of Science in 计算机科学 and a 网络安全理学硕士 在短短五年内.


  • Benefit from the region’s only 4+1 program in computer science and cybersecurity
  • Start the program as early as your freshman year
  • Complete your education in five years, as opposed to the usual six
  • Graduate as a highly desirable candidate with a solid foundation in both computer science and cybersecurity


类似于 regular undergraduate major in computer science, the accelerated track offers a well-rounded perspective consistent with the liberal arts core at 全球十大赌钱软件App. 除了专业技术外, you’ll develop the skills needed to thrive in the professional world—including written and oral communication, 团队合作, 解决问题和批判性思维. 以耶稣会的价值观为指导, you’ll also cultivate a thoughtful approach to the ethical use of technology.


You’ll quickly learn how to connect essential concepts in computer science with best practices in cybersecurity. Upper-level coursework—including topics in programming languages, operating systems and database systems—will routinely present problem-solving opportunities related to privacy, 可靠性和安全性.


The 4+1 program will enable you to work with the same faculty mentors, providing a level of continuity for the instruction you’ll receive. You’ll collaborate on cutting-edge research in a number of areas, including efficient use and reclamation of memory, 人工智能技术, 机器人模拟器和3D技术. All of our faculty are adept at teaching at both the undergraduate and the graduate level.


与教师密切合作, you’ll gain valuable hands-on experience in our fully equipped, 最先进的网络安全实验室. You’ll write parallel programs using our 12 networked computers and also practice with robots.